IGDA Denmark (also known as Foreningen af Spiludviklere i Danmark) is once again making a call for its yearly General Assembly, and we would like to invite you all to attend, participate and help shape the future of the organization.
The General Assembly will be held on August 8th 2016, starting at 18:00.
The meeting will take place at KnapNok Games office in Pilestræde 43, 3rd floor in Copenhagen.
We are always looking to hear new ideas, projects and other plans you may have for the association. Any proposals to discuss should be sent in written and actionable form to the board at info@igda.dk no later than 2 weeks before the assembly.
Our agenda will be as follows:
- Choice of moderator.
- Choice of minutes taker
- Yearly report of the Chairman
- Treasurer’s report and its approval
- Set membership fee
- Election of auditor and deputy auditor
- Election of Board
- Proposals
We look forward to seeing you there!