Normally by this point down the year, we would be super thrilled about how quickly we are selling out of Nordic Game Jam tickets. But 2016 is different from the rest.
If you’ve been following the announcements so far, Nordic Game Jam has changed its plans for it’s 10th anniversary, moving away from the cold winter of Copenhagen in February and right into the much warmer month of April. And while the nicer weather is surely a better way to celebrate the anniversary, there is a much bigger reason why we are moving the event to a different date than usual.
That reason is the newly formed Copenhagen Games Festival, the result of a collaboration between IGDA Denmark, Interactive Denmark and Producent Foreningen.
So what is this Copenhagen Games Festival? It’s a celebration of everything games, setting the spotlight on Danish Games. It gathers Nordic Game Jam 2016, the Spilprisen (Danish game awards), a games business conference, a games expo and much more, finishing big with a huge awards ceremony at the end of Nordic Game Jam 2016. We are planning really big for that one, so we hope you can plan ahead and stay in Copenhagen to enjoy it all!
Five days in April 2016 Copenhagen will turn into a hot spot for game designers, programmers, graphic artists, business experts, gamers and game interested locals and tourists. More than 1000 people will fill Copenhagen and other cities in Denmark, with games, creativity, technology and innovation.
With 190 Danish Game companies, 735 full time designers, programmers and innovative talents and a turnover increase of 196 % in the last six years, this is reason enough to put the Danish Game Industry on the national and international map, both geographically, politically and in business terms. Copenhagen Games Festival is set up to do just that.
We are also looking for partners and sponsors to help make it all happen, so you can also be a part of this too! You can contact us via our Contact Page and we will put you through with the organization team for the festival.
Don’t forget to book the week of April 6-10 2016 for what is surely going to be the biggest games event in Denmark!