You’ve made some simple games already, one in 3D and a few in 2D. But… they are probably not the prettiest. You might even think that they look a little bit dull.
So… how can you fix that?
Tim Garbos will be giving you some tips and tricks to make sure that your game turns into something way more appealing with just a few tweaks that will take you less than an hour to learn.
As an example, here is the result of Tim’s talk last year, which took the game from the boring game on the left, to the fun-looking game on the right (which you can also play here!):
Join us at Aalborg University Copenhagen, at the Guest Canteen (all the way to the end from the entrance, then turn right), on Wednesday, October 7th at 18:00 for another great Unity Night!
Oh, and if you have some cool project that you want to show to everyone else, simply let us know and we’ll give you some time to present!
Afterwards, as usual, there will be some mingling over beers at the local bar next to Enghave station.